Friday, March 9, 2012

First Round of Paperwork


Well week one of the adoption process has been a busy one.  After submitting our application we were approved by Holt to move forward and so the paperwork began!  In just a few short days, we have turned in:

1.  Fingerprints to the Nebraska State Patrol so they can do a criminal check through the FBI.  I could have told them that we have no criminal records of any kind but it doesn't quite work like that. 
2.  Background check forms for every state we have lived in since the age of 18, and this is quite a few for us.  
3.  Address forms stating every address we have lived at since the age of 18.   Needless to say, I had to do some serious digging to come up with these.
4.  Employment Verification forms
5.  Disclosure statement 
6.  International Service Agreement, signed and notarized
7.  Detailed financial statement
8.  Copies of our birth certificates and marriage license, so they can see that we meet the age requirements and length of marriage requirement for China
9.  Photos of our family and the exterior of our house
10. Copies of last three years of income tax returns, page 1
11. Directions and map to our home, for the social worker when we begin our home study
12.  Personal references

Now we wait for about a month until the background and criminal checks come back.  We are signed up to take our mandatory Adoption Parenting class in mid-April, and also made appointments for physicals and blood tests.  Once ALL of that is completed, we can begin the home study.  

I have been told that you rush to get things done, and then wait.......................and then rush to get more done, and wait...........................sounds like a fun cycle.  So now we wait.  


  1. I am so so excited you have started this blog! What better way to remember all the tasks, milestones and emotions you will go through until all is complete :). You are amazing and will make this new life for your daughter an awesome one.

    1. This is Ashley by the way :) it won't show my name for some reason!

  2. Wow! What an exciting journey for your family. I was totally surprised when I got your email but it sounds like your guys were surprised by the idea too. God's plan is always bigger than ours.

    Thanks for the blog so we all can keep updated.

  3. Congratulations, Tera and exciting to see how the Lord will work through you both. So many are praying for you all. Keep us all posted. God ya, jo bonifant
