Monday, March 12, 2012

Personal Data

Chad informed me that I left off the most time consuming thing that we had to do last week, I don't know how that happened!  

Along with all of the other paperwork, we each had to fill out a 22 page personal data information form.  The majority of it contained open ended questions such as:

What do you currently do that includes the culture of the child you wish to adopt?  How do you plan on incorporating the child's culture into your family/home/school/community?

If you had negative information about your child's birth parents, at what point would you share it with your child?

How often do you go to work early?  How often do you work late?

What repair attempts or methods to resolve conflict do you use in your marriage?

Please comment on the health, behavior, and personality of each of your children and discuss any unusual situations that may exist for them.  Give a physical description of each child.  

What differences might there be between biological and adoptive parenting?  

Imagine 22 pages of this.  We each had to complete one and it probably took 4-5 hours to do.  I can't believe I forgot to include it on my original list! 


  1. O my! That would probably take me 8 hours!

  2. You were probably trying to erase it from your memory! Just think of it as 4-5 hours of labor you had to go through to earn this child. :)
